The Private Beat nestles between Beat 10, to the West and Upper Beat 11 to the East, on the Thurso River.
Starting at the Sauce Pool, the Beat winds slowly downstream to Maggie Dumpy, Hickson's Hole, The Bridge Pool and The Long Pool before turning sharply North to The Castle Pool and on to The Devil's Pool where it turns East and ends as the river runs into Upper Beat 11.
The Sauce a 50m stretch of deep water and a favourite spot with most anglers. It has a very narrow stream at the head and opens up in to a wide pool at the outflow. It is not an easy pool to fish as it has two quite severe backwaters on either side of the stream. There are always fish to be seen in the Sauce Pool, although not particularly easy to catch.
The Devil's Pool.....lies under a very high cliff and has some very strange and turbulent underwater currents. This makes it rather difficult to fish but the angler is certainly challenged when they hook one.