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"The Original source of information on The Thurso"

All weather data is shown below.

wind direction name---
pressure absolute hpa1011.9
rain 24h mm206.6
time last actualisation16/08/2015 15:56
rain 1h inch1.00
rain 24h inch8.10
rain total mm2744.7
wind direction deg---
wind speed bft---
dewpoint deg C9.2
outdoor temperature deg C16.5
pressure relative inHg29.29
outdoor temperature deg F61.8
wind speed mps---
pressure absolute inHg29.88
dewpoint deg F48.7
windchill deg F---
pressure relative hpa992.0
storm alarm number0
outdoor humidity percent62
windchill deg C---
wind speed mph---
wind speed knt---
rain 1h mm27.4
weather tendency number1
wind speed kmh---
rain total inch108.00